一. 会员等级

1.1 普卡会员:注册,即成为会员
1.2 银卡会员:一次性消费满500元或累计消费满500元即成为银卡会员,享受正价商品9折优惠
1.3 金卡会员:一次性消费满1000元或累计消费1000元即成为金卡会员,享受正价商品8.5折优惠

I. Membership Level

1.1 Regular card member: Once registered, you can become a member.
1.2 Silver card member: You can become a silver card member with one-time consumption of 500 yuan or cumulative consumption of 500 yuan, to enjoy 10% discount on products of regular prices.
1.3 Gold card member: You can become a gold card member with one-time consumption of 1000 yuan or cumulative consumption of 1000 yuan, to enjoy 15% discount on products of regular prices.

二. 会员权益






II. Membership Benefits

2.1 Regular card member: Enjoy consumption points, new product selection with coupons sent intermittently.

2.2 Silver card member:

(1)Enjoy all the benefits of regular card member.
(2)Enjoy 10% discount on products of regular prices.
(3)Enjoy 20% discount on products of regular prices within member's birthday month (buying by coupons, not sharing with other discounts).
(4)Participate in member’s exclusive activities.

2.3 Gold card member:

(1)Enjoy all the benefits of regular card member.
(2)Enjoy 15% discount on products of regular prices.
(3)Enjoy 20% discount on products of regular prices within member's birthday month (buying by coupons, not sharing with other discounts).
(4)Participate in member's exclusive activities.

三. 其他规则

3.1 会员卡仅限本人使用
3.2 积分标准:每消费1元积1分,积分可至会员中心兑换代金券;
3.3 积分有效期:有效期至次年12月31日;
3.4 积分参与会员活动,以会员活动通知为准。

III. Other Rules

3.1 Membership cards are only for personal use.
3.2 Integral standard: One-yuan consumption for one integral, which can be converted into vouchers at member center.
3.3 Term of validity for integrals: to be valid till December 31st of next year.
3.4 Integrals can be used for participating in membership activities, notice of membership activities shall prevail.